Monday, May 7, 2012

Her Love Story

tetibe petang neh, tersentuh bile bace kisah cinta dia......
siyesly........ =' )

masih ingat ENTRY INI .. aku suka betul hapdate pasal dia.. she's inspire me ! REALLY !
even aku tak kenal die personally......
dia yang membuatkan aku terpikir, LIFE IS NOT EASY.

Girls, protect your dignity,your heart and guys, please protect the girl you love. Please save your love story. Choose someone to marry, not someone for you to only walk around and be happy.  
Someone who really loves you will show you they want you, will prove that they need you, will remind you they love you. Will put you in the list, " To be in heaven,together,forever."

Credit to = DenaBahrin

Congrats to Both of You !

may ALLAH bless ur Marriage. =')
till Jannah <3
amin ~

*what about my LOVE story ? =D

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